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Evolution of Cryptography

Cryptography has been around for thousands of years. It started out with simple ciphers and slowly evolved into what it is now for example RSA ( Rivest-Shammir-Adleman algorithm ). We're going to revisit the algorithms from the past and see how they've worked and why these new algorithms had to be made. When we talk about cryptography, we would call the message you want to encrypt the plaintext and after the encryption the ciphertext. There are two types of encryptions, Symmetric and Asymmetric . Symmetric Encryptions Symmetric encryptions are encryptions that uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt messages. A few examples are:  Additive/ Cesars Cipher Multiplicative Ciphers Affine Cipher Vigenere Cipher Additive Cipher This is the most basic cipher thats been around for a very long time. We essentially take the alphabet and convert it to numbers. For example the letter A would be 1 and Z would be 26. In the additive cipher, we have a key which is the ...

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